Profile :
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for this senior executive position with Consulting Engineers South Africa in Bryanston.
Applicants must possess sound business skills and be able to relate to the corporate membership of CESA throughout the country.
The ability to communicate effectively and liaise with all sectors of the engineering industry, private sector and Government both throughout South Africa and internationally, are important requirements.
The main elements of the Job Description for this position are:
1. To implement the strategic goals and objectives of the organization as directed by the Board.
2. Assist the Chair / President to enable the Board to fulfil its governance function.
3. Provide direction and leadership (to the CESA MANCO and other CESA employees) toward the achievement of the organization's philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives
4. Manage the implementation of a Performance Management System for all staff
5. Oversee the effective functioning of the Directorate on a day-to-day basis
Reports / Accountable to:
This position reports to the CESA Board
CESA Board, Council & Committees:
Attend CESA Board and Council meetings as a member
1. Oversee the compilation and timely dissemination of Agendas for Council and Board meetings
2. Attend the following strategic Board committees as a committee member:
i. Advocacy
ii. Fincom
iii. Marketing & Communications
iv. National Liaison Committee
v. Quality and Risk Management
vi. Supply Chain Management
3. Attend all other Board committees where strategic input is required as and when required
4. Ensure that the decisions emanating from the Board, its committees and Council are carried out efficiently and effectively
Board Administration & Support:
Support operations and administration of the Board by advising and informing Board members, interfacing between Board and staff, etc.
CESA Strategic Business & Marketing Plans:
Actively manage the CESA Strategic, Business and Marketing Plans to ensure attainment of their objectives
Financial, Tax, Risk and Facilities Management:
1. Prudently manage CESA’s financial resources/Budget within the budget guidelines approved/set by the Board and according to current laws and regulations with the guidance of the Finance and Staff Committee,
2. Attend Finance and Staff Committee meetings as a committee member
Programs, Products & Service Delivery:
1. Oversee design, marketing, promotion, delivery and quality of programs, products and services produced and /or organised by CESA (e.g. annual relay, golf day, awards banquet, strategic planning session, president’s breakfast, annual conference, AGM, Annual Review, Inside Track, e-News, etc.)
2. Oversee identification, sourcing/production, marketing, promotion, delivery of quality training programs, products and services produced and /or organised by the School of Consulting Engineering (SCE)
3. Attend all CESA organised functions
Human Resource Management:
1. Effectively manage CESA’s human resources according to the approved CESA HR Policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws and regulations
2. Ensure that the CESA is adequately resourced and capacitated in accordance with the agreed Structure
Quality Management System:
1. Maintain the validity of the CESA ISO9001 certification
2. Oversee regular discussion of the CESA QMS and Risk Analysis Register
3. Oversee the internal auditing of managerial portfolios as required by ISO9001 system.
Public Relations:
1. Together with the President, act as spokesperson for CESA and the consulting engineering sector and articulate all matters of importance for the consulting engineering sector in line with the CESA’s Media policy
2. Attend liaison meetings with designated client bodies to build relationships (primarily at national level)
3. Attend selected industry conventions as approved by the Board. This will include mandatory international travel to FIDIC conferences on an annual basis.
4. Ensure that CESA and its mission, positions on matters affecting the sector, programs, products and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders
Membership Management:
1. Grow and maintain a healthy membership base
2. With the assistance of the Membership and Constitutional Affairs Committee, ensure processing of membership applications
3. Inform members of industry developments on a continuous basis
4. Attend and participate in the annual round of Presidential visits to branches
CESA Integration with industry-wide organisations:
Actively participate in broader industry organisations, such as FIDIC, GAMA, cidb, BUSA and CSCC, and ensure that all pertinent issues are taken up by CESA as required or fed back to the membership and that South African issues are incorporated into global and continental fora where appropriate.
Fundraising and Sponsorship (non-profit-specific):
1. Source sponsorship of CESA functions
2. Manage and retain relationships with existing affiliates and members of CESA
3. Source additional affiliates and members